If you have a low GPA, is all lost in the interview? Yes, low GPA can be a knockout factor, but not necessarily. It depends on how you handle the issue.
There is no question that a low GPA can and will have an impact on your ability to interview successfully. However, keep in mind that a low GPA is more likely to affect your ability to get the interview in the first place than it is to hurt you in the interview itself. If an employer has scheduled you for the interview, then your GPA was not one of the qualification gates, which it can be for many employers.
What is typically considered a “low” GPA? That depends on the employer. Some employers have a minimum required GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, although 3.0 (i.e. a B average) is more common. Yet many college students graduate with a GPA below that threshold. So how do you handle addressing your low GPA if it comes up in the interview?
As mentioned in a prior blog post, it is recommended to not include your GPA on your resume if it is under 3.0. However, you can list your Major GPA if it is higher than 3.0 and your overall is less than 3.0. The absence of your GPA on your resume may prompt the “What is your GPA?” question either in a screening phone interview or the in-person interview. You need to be ready to answer and qualify that answer.
First, you need to own your GPA and your personal reasons for it being lower than average. You need to explain why your GPA is lower than your peers. If you were working concurrently with attending classes, say so. If your GPA was lower in your first year or two, say so. If your GPA is higher in your major classes (which are the most important to a prospective employer), say so. If there is something lacking, own it, then move on in a positive direction. If possible, pivot to the positive side of what makes you a good candidate for the job. Here is an example answer:
My overall GPA is 2.8. My first year of college I did not yet have the focus on my classes that I now have. As a result, my GPA was lower early on, but I have since brought it up with the classes in my major, which are actually the most academically challenging classes. I have also been working part-time to help finance my college expenses. That work experience has helped me become a better candidate for this role. Would you like to hear more about my work experience?”
Pivot from a potential weakness to your strengths whenever possible in the interview. A low GPA can be a potential negative, but if you handle the question appropriately, you can use it as an opportunity to talk more about what makes you the best candidate for the job.
GPA is often used as a qualifier for entry level jobs, but if you answer questions about your GPA appropriately, it doesn’t have to be a disqualifier for you .